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Thank you, Mum.

Thank You Mum, Mothers Day

Mums are pretty awesome.

They are an inspiration with one of the most important jobs in world and sometimes it takes becoming a mum to really appreciate how wonderful they are.

With out them, we wouldn’t be here. They nurture us, selflessly devote countless hours to ensure we are happy and healthy, support us through bad times and nurse us when we are sick.

They open their hearts to children in need of a loving home through fostering and adoption. They nurture children with disabilities, autism and childhood diseases such as cancer. They sometimes even give the gift of a kidney so we may live long healthy lives.

They also raise our future leaders and encourage us to be all we can be.

Mums really are amazing, each in their own unique way. So to all the wonderful Mums out there, we thank you.

Thank you for the hugs, kisses and putting butter on our knees when we fall over.

Thank you for putting a towel over our pillow and feeding us chicken soup when we are sick.

Thank you for checking under the bed and in the cupboard for monsters.

Thank you for getting us on time to dance concerts, soccer matches, sports carnivals and cheering even when we come first, “at the other end”.

Thank you for holding our hand on the first day of school, the day we graduate and the day we walk down the aisle.

Thank you for loving us unconditionally through our “threenager” and teenager years.

Thank you for being there during the good times, the tough times and encouraging us to be all we can be.

Thank you.

To demonstrate how special I think Mums are, I have entered the photo above in Canon Shine – a photography competition that shines a light on something that matters. The prize is a national advertising campaign about my photograph celebrating all the wonderful Mums out there.

Please help me shine a light on how important Mums are by voting for my photo here.

What would you love to thank your Mum for?