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Ethikate Business Portrait Session

I am really lucky to have some incredibly talented friends and Kate Hamer is no exception! Kate recently took the leap from a full-time gig at a big law firm to starting her own practice specialising in brand and IP protection.

Her business is called Ethikate and she is absolutely ROCKING it.

We’ve been working together the past couple of months to plot world domination and create a unique brand that will give her a competitive edge. The logo is looking fabulous and her website is almost ready for launch, but one thing she lacked was good quality head shots.

And iPhone selfies just ain’t gonna cut it!

So last week I flew down to Melbourne to attend her Brand & IP Protection Workshop and while there, we snuck in a Business Portrait Session.

Kate is a bit of a creative and edgy personality so we had a lot of fun exploring the streets of Fitzroy in search of cool alleyways and funky street art – the perfect backdrop for a new breed of lawyer.

We may have also tested out a few cafes …