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This time last year …

Oh my! Where has 2012 gone? To think this time last year we were packing the bags to spend Christmas with my little bro in Hong Kong.

I love Hong Kong. There is something intriguing about this city. It’s got this east meets west vibe with surprises down every street – hidden temples, bustling markets, quaint parks or chic cafés. The smells are divine and the shopping is fabulous. Restaurants, bars and nightlife rival that of anywhere in the world. I love that you can by a Smirnoff Black at the 7-11 (found on just about every corner) and the bamboo scaffolding is insane!

And I didn’t expect Hong Kong to be such a creative city. It has such a strong design community and is fast establishing itself as a design and creative hub of Asia. So as a fellow creative type person, I’m in good company over there.

Last year, we spent Christmas Day on the rooftop of a high rise with a group of expats living and working in Hong Kong. Access to a balcony or rooftop is a bit of a rare luxury, so it was a pretty special day.

New Years Eve, we managed to talk our way into a New Years Party at 11pm below the IFC Building – one of Hong Kong’s tallest skyscrapers and the focal point of the Victoria Harbour Fireworks. Truly spectacular. Fireworks were launched from every inch of the skyscraper and surrounding buildings. It was a New Years hard to beat.

This year, Christmas is going to be a quiet one at home and that’s ok with me. But I do kinda wish I were heading back over there again.

To family and friends abroad – Happy Christmas and a very merry New Year! Hope to see you all in 2013 xxoo

Here are some highlights from last year’s trip.